Horsforth Farmers' Market logo

What do we do?

Food direct from local farmers and producers.

Horsforth Farmers’ Market has a wide range of regular stallholders providing a rich variety of food and drink in season from organic vegetables, meat, deli and fresh fish to eggs, cakes and cheese. We also invite a selection from our list of guest stallholders and a community guest is hosted on the Horsforth Matters stall. Something different is always happening and there is a lively social buzz.

You will find us in the grounds of St. Margaret’s School on the first Saturday of every month 09:00 to 12:30 (apart from January).


Our location is:

St.Margaret’s School,
Town Street,
LS18 5BL

Guest Stalls This Month

  • Olgish Cakes
    I specialise in traditional Ukrainian cakes, like Honey cake, Kyiv cake or King’s cake, which are an important part of our culture. My wish is to be able to share my love of baking with my new friends in England. Get ready to taste something amazing. https://www.instagram.com/olgish_cakes/Read More →
  • Olianas Coffee
    Read More →
  • Thistlemist Farm
    Thistlemist Farm We sell homemade soups, cooking sauces, pesto and more prepared, cooked and packed here in Leeds. For more information go to www.thistlemistfarm.co.ukRead More →
  • Yorkshire Dama Cheese
    Yorkshire Dama Yorkshire Halloumi cheese, selling “Squeaky Cheese.” Website: www.yorkshiredamacheese.co.uk Twitter: @YorkshireCheese Facebook: Yorkshire Dama CheeseRead More →
  • Melanie’s Chocolates
    Melanie’s Chocolates Luxury Handmade Chocolates http://melanieschocolates.co.uk/Read More →
  • Horsforth Brewery
    Horsforth Brewery A nano-brewery serving the local area with high quality, small batch craft beer. https://horsforthbrewery.co.uk/Read More →

Why not come along and see what’s here?

Horsforth Farmers’ Market is hosted by Horsforth Churches Together. It is a non-profit making community venture.

Horsforth Farmers’ Market On Film!

You can watch some short films about the market produced by local filmmaker John Lacey over the last few years by clicking here.